Before you arrive at Tar Heel Boys State, you are responsible for writing a bill to submit at registration. Follow the steps listed below on How to Write a Bill and type or print your bill in the below template.
After your registration for the program is confirmed, you will receive instructions on how to complete and submit your bill online prior to your arrival at the program.
It will be reviewed and assigned to either the House or Senate for consideration into law.
How to Write a Bill
Determine a Topic
Brainstorm or review newspaper headlines for topics
Think about how society could improve; where can the government help?
Look at past bills in the state legislature that may spark inspiration
Research Your Topic
No plagiarizing the current legislation, but feel free to use it as a springboard
Is your topic debatable?
Is your topic appropriate?
Drafting Your Bill
Enacting Clause “Be it enacted by the Tar Heel Boys State General Assembly of the State of North Carolina to (your bill title goes here)
Section I - This is the purpose of your bill. Make it brief, 2-3 sentences
Section II - This is the body. Use facts to support your bill. Include an explanation of why your bill is important
Section III - This is the funding statement. If no funding is needed, please state so
Section IV - This is the penalties. Will there be consequences for noncompliance or violating this bill?
Section V - This is the effective date. Remember your bill cannot go into effect before the THBS Governor signs the bill into law. The bill can read that it is “immediately invoked upon being signed into agreement,” that will cover the effective date
Points to Consider
Bill Length — we do not limit how short or long your bill is to be, but remember you want to get your bill passed
Proper Spelling and Grammar — make sure to proof read your bill
Bill Conformity — make sure your bill conforms to the bill format (numbering included)
Passage — make sure your topic is one that others in your legislative body will support